“Very fun-themed Retro platformer, the dialogue was great, funny and not too long, however sometimes we found the attacks too slow and missed some of them. Nonetheless great. Tried the mini-boss as well, but it’s hard for a casual player.”
Bottled Tastes Steam Curator
Bat Boy is developed by Sonzai Games and being published by X PLUS X PLUS has a history of great retro games and bringing them to the modern landscape of gaming.
Bat Boy, next to Smelter, was available to test over at the GameRoundCo platform, where I tested and made content on the game in 2022. It was a fun, but hard game back then and it still has it’s medium difficulty to this day.
Bat Boy came out today, on the 25th of May, 2023 and is available over at Steam! We do recommend to play the game with a controller.

The story starts with all the sports heroes, the dialogue is fun and instantly draws you into the story of a team of heroes that get dragged back to another dimension. Batboy, the one that did not get hit by the lords powers, but rather hit a home run with the magic orb, follows everyone to the other dimension where he has to rescue his friends of the Trials of Darkness!
The game instantly throws you into a friendly encounter and into some mobs who are the guards of Lord Vicious. The game explains how to play along the way and you are able to do a couple of special moves on special structures next to hitting home runs in any direction with your bat and Piggie Pitchers.
As you progress the platforming and the mobs become harder to play, to an extend where we got stuck in the first 10 minutes. For some reason, it does feel that attacks can be hard to be timed and sometimes you might even feel like skipping enemies is a better way of playing.
The game comes with both a casual and speedrunner mode, if you care for that. The speedrunner mode will track your times and you’ll be able to improve yourself with beating the game with a better time score!

- Bat Boy is 14,99 EU on Steam
- The game just had it's full release
- We gave a positive curation to the game on Steam
- The game has 18 Steam Achievements
For accessibility Options, there isn’t much to point out as sadly the game does not seem to have any important in-game options. But as the game is fully dialogued and you can switch between keyboard+mouse and controller, it seems to us that this Retro game wouldn’t need to many changes in that area.